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Music Ministry



The Music Ministry at Christ Church exists to lead and facilitate the corporate musical worship each Lord’s Day gathering. Throughout the Scriptures, the people of God are commanded to sing. Indeed, singing is a natural response to the character and deeds of the Triune God. 

We recognize that the time of musical worship during our services is not about the creation of an "atmosphere" nor does it exist simply as a means of getting us in the right “emotional feeling” to hear a sermon or pray a prayer. Instead, we believe whole-heartedly that the singing of God’s people is for the glory of God alone. 

By singing, we are extolling God, reminding each other of who God is and what God has done, and corporately professing the truths of Scripture. For this reason, we endeavor to sing songs that are doctrinally-rich, scripturally-rooted, and beautifully-written. It is because of this that the vast majority of the songs that we sing each Lord’s day are time-tested hymns full of sound doctrine, as well as the Psalms set to music. 

We don’t believe that musical worship needs needs to be somber, muted, or musically-mediocre. In fact — since we are a redeemed people who have been bought by the blood of Christ — our musical worship should be marked by singing heartily, joy, reverence, and a God-glorifying musical excellence. 

We long for what the Apostle Paul speaks of in Colossians 3:16-17: 

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

You can find a link to a Spotify playlist of the songs we sing (and hope to sing) below. 


Our music ministry team is always open to new members. In this current season, we are hoping and praying for strings players and drummers. If interested in talking with our Music Ministry Director and setting up an audition, please send an email using the link below and we'll will get back to you as soon as possible. 


Lucas Vieira

Director of Music Ministry & Administration | Deacon-Candidate

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